Privacy Policy

Understand what personal information we collect and how it will be handled.

At Private Flyer UK we respect your right to privacy online and understand that you want to keep control of your personal information. That’s why we are committed to protecting any information you share with us.

We will never sell, distribute or intentionally make your personal information public and have implemented appropriate technical and organisational security measures to protect the data you share with us from loss and preserve its security and confidentiality. All your interactions with our website are protected by strong 256-bit encryption and we aim to collect the minimum of personal information needed to provide an effective service.

We believe in being transparent about what data we are collecting and how it will be handled. The information below sets out our privacy policy in detail. In each case we’ll explain why a particular piece of data is being processed and how long it will be retained. We are also committed to providing relevant information and control at the point of collection so that you can make informed decisions about what personal data you choose to share with us.


Our legal bases for processing

We collect and process information about you only where we have legal bases for doing so. This legal bases will depend on the individual services you use and how you use them. Additional information is provided below but in general terms we will only collect and use your information where:

  • It is necessary for us to provide you with a service, including for support or to protect the safety and security of the services itself.
  • It satisfies a legitimate interest which is not overridden by your data protection interests. Such as for research and development.
  • You have given us consent to do so for a specific purpose.
  • We need to process your data to comply with a legal obligation.

In cases where you have consented to our use of your personal information for a specific purpose you have the right to change your mind at any time. Where we are using your information because we have a legitimate interest to do so, you have the right to object to that use, but in some cases this may mean your are no longer able to access our services.


Third Party Data Processors

Like most businesses we rely on a number of third-party providers to support our day-to-day operations, for example in areas such as online file storage and email delivery. We may also hire third parties to operate, maintain or improve our website and other digital services. Some of these service providers will, by necessity, have access to or be directly involved in processing or storing a subset of the personal information you share with us.

All our third-party data processors have been carefully chosen as service suppliers who also practice responsible data handling. We believe that each has in place appropriate protections to ensure the security of the data we store or process with them and have clear policies for how they treat that data. But if in doubt you should review their individual Privacy Policies.

Amazon Web Services (data storage):

Google (Website analytics):

HeartInternet (Hosting):

Netcore (Email delivery):

PayPal (Online payment processing):

The Pixel Parlour (Digital services development & support):

Before using or sharing your information with third parties in ways not described here or previously authorised by you, we will provide you with notice and an opportunity to control the further use or disclosure of your personal information.


Transfers Outside of the European Economic Area

Under certain circumstances we will transfer your information outside of the European Economic Area. We will only do this with your informed consent, when it is necessary to perform a contract we have with you or where the receiving organisation has adequate safeguards in place – for example certification under the EU-US Privacy Shield framework.


General Browsing

Our website is hosted in the UK in a data centre managed by Heart Internet. When you visit our website or access one of the files stored on our web server information about this request will be automatically stored in our log files to provide usage statistics, enable security features and aid technical troubleshooting. This is on the legal basis of legitimate commercial interests. In these cases your IP address at the time acts as a unique identifier and is stored along with information about your operating system, browser version and the pages/files you access. These logs are retained on the server for up to 30 days, after which they are automatically deleted. Heart Internet will also record a similar set of data for the purposes of data management and security. This data is retained by them for up to 3 months.

Like most businesses we use Google Analytics to help understand how our website is being discovered and interacted with and we use this information to help improve the experience for our visitors and make decisions about future development. Google Analytics presents us with aggregate information about the geographic location, device types and operating systems used by our website visitors, but not in a way that personally identifies you. Additionally Google will record your computer’s IP address and set a number of temporary cookies in your browser to help distinguish you as an individual visitor as you move around our site. In the interests of limiting the amount of data Google collects via our site we are using Google’s standard Analytics implementation and have not enabled any additional advertising features, such as remarketing tags which would tie your usage of our site in with your broader browsing habits. Any user-level data that is associated with Analytics’ cookies are retained for up to 26 months from your last activity on our site, after which it is automatically deleted from Analytics’ servers.

Our website and emails contain a number of links to third party sites. It is important to be aware that these external sites are governed by their own privacy policies and we do not accept any responsibility or liability for these policies. The inclusion of a link to an external source should not be understood to be an endorsement of that website, it’s owners or their products/services. Always check the individual privacy policies of these external sites before you submit any personal data through them.



Cookies are temporary files stored in your web browser by a website to help track usage and enable services that rely on a persistent identity. You can control which cookies you accept and remove them at any time by adjusting your browser settings or using the tools provided by this site, but it is important to be aware that some cookies are essential and our website may not function as expected without them.

Essential cookies
These cookies are strictly necessary to provide you with services available through our websites and to use some of its features. But you can still block or delete them by changing your browser preferences.

  • PHPSESSID, JSESSIONID (Privater Flyer UK). Used to give you a temporary unique identifier during your time on the site and store information during checkout when you book tickets or book a fly-in slot. Expire at the end of your session.

Functional cookies
These cookies are used to enhance the performance and functionality of our websites. They are non-essential but without them certain functionality may become unavailable.

  • None currently in use

Analytics and customisation cookies
These cookies collect information to help us understand how our website is being used or customise it in order to enhance your experience.

  • _ga (Google Analytics) – used to distinguish between users. Expires after 13 months.
  • _ga_XXXXXXXXXX (Google Analytics) – used to create a persistent session state. Expires after 13 months.

Advertising cookies
These cookies are used to make advertising messages more relevant to you and your interests.

  • None currently in use


Email Marketing

Our email marketing solution is self-hosted so when you subscribe to our newsletter the email address, name and any other details submitted are only seen by us. Our email marketing platform is hosted in the UK in a data centre managed by Heart Internet.

To help ensure that only those who really consent to receiving our emails are signed-up we use a double opt-in process where a confirmation email will be sent to the email address supplied with a link to click. Only after clicking that link will you be opted-in to receive our emails. At this point we will also collect your IP address, which along with a timestamp helps provide our evidence of consent should we need to provide this to the regulator.

By default we will retain your data in our marketing system for as long as you choose to stay subscribed or such time as we consider your account to be in-active (ie. you are no longer opening or engaging with our emails). You can update your details or opt-out of our emails at any time using the ‘Unsubscribe’ or ‘Email Preferences’ links found at the bottom of every marketing email we send. If you unsubscribe we will retain your email address for the purposes of a suppression list to ensure that no further marketing messages can be sent unless you actively choose to opt-in again.

Emails delivery is via a third-party message delivery service, provided by Netcore. Your email address and the content of the marketing emails we send you are visible to Netcore, but trusted delivery seevice they won’t share your information with any unauthorised third parties or contact you directly at any time – you can read their full privacy policy here:


Brochure Downloads

When you request to download a copy of our Exhibitor Brochure through the website the information you submit will be temporarily stored on our servers and used to generate an automated email to you containing the a link to the latest edition of the brochure. the address provided containing a link to the latest brochure. The information collected includes:

  • Your name
  • Email address
  • Company name (optional)
  • Involvement in aviation

We will also collect your IP address, a timestamp and details of the page you submitted your request from to enable spam protection and to help us appropriately log submissions of personal data. A sub-set of this information may also be used for our legitimate interest in understand which businesses may be interested in exhibiting and how our website is performing.. This information will be retained for up to 12 months before all personally identifiable information is removed.


Ticket Sales

When you book tickets through our website we collect a number of pieces of information at checkout. Your name and email address are used to uniquely identify your order and provide us with a point of contact for any follow-up communication such as sending you an electronic receipt. We also collect your IP address and physical address to facilitate payment processing and meet our obligations to maintain appropriate financial records. For example we need to know the country of origin of all transactions for calculating VAT. This information is retained for up to 36 months after which is erased.

We use PayPal as an online payment processor for ticket sales, so when you make a purchase through our website some of the information you submit is sent to them to allow your payment to processed. PayPal is committed to handling your personal data securely and will not reveal your financial information to any third party except with your express permission or if required to do so by a court order or other legal process. You can read the full in their privacy statement here: Please be aware that PayPal may transfer information relating to your transaction outside the European Economic Area, but in such cases they are committed to protecting it with adequate safeguards.

To help us better understand our audience we also request some basic demographic information as part of the registration process, including Gender, Year of Birth and your UK County. This information is used in aggregate for the legitimate business interest of creating a broad profile of our audience. Gender information is additional used to help us correctly address any communications with you. Year of Birth is used to help ensure that only adults over 16 years of age are booking through the website – the event is open to all ages but we don’t want to collect or process the person information of anyone under 17 years of age. And UK County details are used as part of our environmental impact assessment to estimate visitor travel miles.

All the information you submit at checkout is transmitted securely via an encrypted https connection and the information we receive from these transactions is just that needed to process or support your order. That includes your name, email address, billing address and contact phone number, but does not include any sensitive financial information such as credit card numbers or bank account details. We will retain this information, along with the details of your purchase, for 3 years as part of our financial records. Your name and email address will also be used to provide follow-up information relating to your purchase.


Landing Slot Reservations

When you register to arrive by air the information we collect is used to secure your slot reservation and allow us or the host airport to contact you with any important information related to your booking.

Your name and email address are used to uniquely identify your slot reservation and provide us with a point of contact for any follow-up communication. Your aircraft make/model and registration are required by the airport to identify your aircraft. They also require us to collect details of where you are flying in from and how many persons will be onboard to complete the necessary PPR form.

All the information you submit during registration is transmitted securely via an encrypted https connection and appropriate security measures are in place to ensure that access to the data is limited to just those persons who require it.

During registration you will create an account on our website. This account allows you to check the details of your booking and, in the case of pre-booking, is what enables you to initially book for free and then return the website at a later date to pay for and confirm your slot. The details relating to individual slot bookings are retained for up to 12 months post-show, afer which the original record is deleted. Your account, which holds only your name and email address is retained so you can re-use it across different show years. However to help minimise the amount of personal data that is retained indefinitely we will automatically retire any accounts which aren’t logged into once over a 36 month period.

If you have opted-in to receive email marketing from us we will identify on your subscriber profile that you booked to fly in to the event, but no other fly-in information is added to your marketing profile.


Connect Marketplace Enquiries

The Connect Marketplace section of this site provides the option for you to contact the advertisers of an item for sale/lease/exchange using a web form. The information submitted through this form is sent to the advertiser by email and a copy held temporarily by us for moderation and backup. The information collected includes:

  • Your name
  • Email address
  • Phone number (optional)
  • The content of your message

Additionally we will also capture information about your internet network, device type and IP address to use exclusively for spam filtering and this information is not made available to the advertiser.


Emailing Us

When you send us an email, either to one of the addresses displayed on our website or an an individual member of staff, we will collect your email address and any other information you provide within your email.

Microsoft are our email service provider so any emails you send us will be stored on their servers. Therefore your email and any associated personal data may be transferred outside of the European Economic Area to servers located in the USA. Microsoft’s certification under the EU-US Privacy Shield Framework commits it to maintaining appropriate safeguards for international data transfers. You can learn more here:

The information you provide will only be processed in relation to the purpose of your correspondence with us. We have no fixed retention period for email correspondence, but we are committed to only storing your data for no longer than is necessary to serve our legitimate interests of record keeping or to perform a contract we have entered into with you.

Children Under 16

Our website is not intended for use by children under the age of 16 years and we will not knowingly collect or use the personal data of children under 16 years. If you are under the age of 16 years, please do not provide any personal data, even if prompted to do so.


Data Breaches

A breach is any accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to, personal data. We are committed to disclosing any personal data breaches that might adversely affect your rights and freedoms without undue delay so that you can take appropriate action. Any notifiable breaches will also be reported to the UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office within 72 hrs. This includes breaches affecting the third party services identified in this privacy policy, where personal data is being held on our behalf.


Questions & Data Access/Removal Requests

The General Data Protection Regulation (2018) gives you the right to know what person data we hold, to have it updated if it is inaccurate or removed entirely if you no longer consent to our use of it. We will endeavour to respond to any such requests within one month confirming receipt and outlining what follow-up actions will be taken and when.

We also welcome questions about our Privacy Policy and these or any access requests should be directed to our Data Protection Officer at:

The Elite Luxury Events
Attn. Data Protection Officer
Palmers Barn, Station Road
Long Marston
HP23 4QS


Policy Changes

Any updates we may make to our Privacy Policy in the future will be published on this page and significant changes noted below.

  • 13 December 2023 – Additional detail added to explain how different elements of landing slot booking data are used and retained.
  • 28 June 2023 – Update to Google Analytics details in Tracking Cookies section.
  • 30 November 2022 – Event Partnership Data Sharing section removed as no longer relevant.
  • 22 July 2021 – Arrive By Air information updated to reflect the additional collection of departure airfield and POB details when making a landing slot booking.
  • 14 June 2021 – Updated to provide information about the data captured when booking a landing slot ahead of slot booking launching.
  • 1 June 2020 – Information about the data captured through MarketPlace contact forms added to coincide with the launch of this new feature.
  • 6 April 2020 – Email Marketing section updated to reflect the move to a self-hosted solution.
  • 15 March 2020 – Event Partnership information updated to reflect the end of data sharing between partners.
  • 5 September 2019 – Privacy Policy first published.



Request a brochure

If you are interested in being part of Private Flyer UK in 2025 you can quickly get a copy of our latest brochure by email by completing the form below.

    We'll keep your personal data safe. Learn more in our Privacy Policy


    Request a brochure

    If you are interested in being part of Private Flyer (North) Leeds in 2024 you can quickly get a copy of our latest brochure by email by completing the form below.

      We'll keep your personal data safe. Learn more in our Privacy Policy


      Contact Private Flyer

      Whether you are interested in participating in our next event, or attending as a visitor, our friendly team are here to answer your questions. Get in touch by phone, email or reach out on social media.

      Alex Ayling

      Alex Ayling

      Event Director

      +44 (0)203 740 6085

      Roxana Ayling

      Roxana Ayling

      Sales Support

      +44 (0)203 740 6085